Each style is shaped on multiple women, with diverse figures and body types, to ensure the most flattering fit.

We understand that size is just a number, and no two bodies are the same. We don’t just scale up and down, but shape our styles for each size. We’re committed to our craft because this specialized approach is the only way to guarantee the perfect fit, every time.

We have very high standards, so we only choose and develop fabrics that offer impeccable quality and comfort.

Every one of our fabrics is subjected to a rigorous testing process to ensure it can withstand the wash and wear that’s a part of your everyday life.

At Sympli there’s no mystery involved in any step of the process, and that’s because we do everything right here at home.

On site manufacturing allows our designers intimate access to the factory so that they are able to oversee every step of the production process. Sympli is proud to work alongside our Home Sewing network: a community of entrepreneurs who work on their schedule to sew approximately 85% of our garments while still caring for their families. By keeping production local, our community stays strong. It’s more than smart business – it’s the only thing that makes sense!

Every individual is integral to our success.
Together, we make Sympli®.